Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Donald Ducks Comic

As the comic strips slowly gains in popularity and evolved their form into a legit comic book, many company and artist tries to explore a new way to make full use of the new format.  Some tries to make a longer story that exceeds 1 comic book. Some make use of the large panel to show more detail of the drawing or because they want the reader to focus on that picture first, or maybe to emphasize on the establishing shot.

I remember one of my favorite comic when I was child was Donald duck by Carl Barks. I really enjoy the simplicity of their story and their adventurous journey on each book. Each story is also really short compared to any other comic books and there are not a lot of words in the comic. That is why it is really easy to read quite fun to read in in the free time. The character also a well-established character as I was grown watching a lot of Disney cartoons.  
It was really a fun read even until now. I still enjoy the journey of the Uncle Scrooge, Donald and the nephew. However, as I was beginning to read more and more comics, I realize that the older comics don’t seems to have a lot of variety in their panel. It was pretty even from the beginning until the end. The only panel that is different than the other usually the beginning of the story where the panel is bigger, but throughout the the story, the panel pretty much stays the same.

 I can understand if maybe during that time they still need time to adjust to the style since the comics was publish during the transitional period between the comic strip and comic book period. However, as I browse through his work until his latest work, it seemed that his panel styles are barely changed a lot. It is pretty similar with Tintin comic by Herge. Their even panel sizes seemed to be their trademark since, just like Carl Barks, the template of Tintin comic barely changed. it makes me wonder, what would happen if they decided to change the style of their comic book, to follow the trend. Take the marvel comic for example. 

As we compared the 2 images of the captain America comic book, We can see that there is a changed in their panel style.  that is why it makes me wonde,if Carl Barks considering changing his styles to cope with the trend, will it make any different in the popularity. We know that Donald duck has been pretty popular across the country. However, it makes me pretty curious whether the changes will make Donald duck gain more fans or lose more fans. However, I don’t think those Ideas will be made possible as the creator itself has passed away and I guess it would be rude if we tried to changed the legacy that he has created for us.

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